Co-ownership of Participations in Spain

Co-ownership of Participations in Spain: Status as Member and The Individual Exercise of Rights

When dealing with co-ownership of corporate participations in Spain, in practice there are doubts about whether the co-owners are individually considered members (socios), as well as regarding the way in which to exercise rights inherent to the participations. The ruling handed down by the Spanish Supreme Court on 12 November 2020 clarifies these issues.

This entry was posted on 2 March 2021 by Christian Krause in Corporate and M&A.

Brexit and VAT in Spain

Brexit: Practical Matters Regarding VAT in Spain

After several extensions, a difficult political negotiation and the end of the transitory period, the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union is fully effective. This means that from 1 January it will receive the same treatment as any other country that does not belong to the EU. The economic and legal consequences of said exit are numerous and varied, but in this brief article we wish to emphasise the changes which will take place in terms of VAT and which companies will note immediately.

This entry was posted on 26 February 2021 by Gustavo Yanes in Tax.

Direktinvestitionen in Spanien

Tighter Controls for Foreign Direct Investments in Spain

By means of a series of emergency decrees, which we explained in this article, the legislature significantly limited the original principle of liberal investment politics in Spain just before summer. Recently, new restrictions entered into force. In Royal Decree-Law 34/2020, of 17 November, effective 19 November, the Spanish government yet again tightened control mechanisms for foreign investment in Spain.

This entry was posted on 29 January 2021 by Nadja Vietz in Corporate and M&A.

Key Points of the New Extension of ERTEs in Spain

At the peak of the third wave, in which mainly the restaurant and trade sectors are again being hit hard by the restrictions imposed by the Autonomous Communities to try to contain the rapid expansion of the virus, and in light of the fact that currently there are more than 700,000 people in ERTEs (collective procedures for the temporary suspension of employment), the government and labour representatives/organisations passed the IV Labour Agreement in Defence of Employment on 19 January 2021.

This entry was posted on 27 January 2021 by Sonia Gumpert Melgosa in Labour.

Spain: 2021 Employment Calendar

In Spain and many other countries, the year 2020 will go down in history as one of the strangest years lived during the 21st century: it is a technologically advanced era, developed out of sheer necessity and put into practice with remote working. For much of the population, during the confinement caused by this worldwide pandemic, the workplace has come to occupy and share the physical space that is usually home. This is also occurring with vacation.

This entry was posted on 17 December 2020 by María José López in Accounting.