Forced Digitalisation in Spain: Are Consulting Firms and Agencies Prepared?

Over the past decade, Spanish companies have found themselves obligated to undergo a digital transformation if they do not want to be left behind in their respective sectors. This need for transformation began to seep into consulting firms and one-stop-shop agencies (so-called gestorías) in Spain, which are attempting to, little by little, digitalise their processes in order to optimise work and focus on offering value to their clients.

This entry was posted on 14 December 2020 by Judith Castro in Accounting.

Can Audit Reports Save Directors and Executives from Tax Liability in Spain?

In the context of scarce liquidity, it is not surprising that companies do not have the necessary means to pay the debts due during the course of a tax inspection, or directly cease their activity. It is in these scenarios where the liability of the directors, or members of the board of an entity, could enter into play. Let us recall that this liability is usually subsidiary, that is, the company previously declares itself insolvent due to failure to pay outstanding tax debts or penalties.

This entry was posted on 2 December 2020 by Gustavo Yanes in Tax.

Remote Work in Spain: Another Turning Point of the Pandemic?

It certainly seems that way: Royal Decree-Law 28/2020, of 22 September, on remote work, has been approved. This regulation is intended to govern more completely this manner of working which until now has scarcely been governed in Article 13 of the Workers’ Statute. The passing of this regulation was prompted, despite the already existing EU regulation in this respect, by nothing less than COVID-19

This entry was posted on 29 September 2020 by Patricia Rivera Almagro in Labour.